Learning With MOOCs III

Various tweets from our presentation on October 7, 2016.

  1. Learners enjoy pathways within courses, but need some level of scaffolding—@grandeped #LWMOOC3
  2. Not "empower learner agency" (is it really agency if we empower it?), but rather "unchain learner agency" says @grandeped #lwmooc3
  3. Recommendations include reducing design presence to allow learner pathway mapping rather than pathway choices #LWMOOC3
  4. Create opportunities for learners to map their own learning according to their own unique sociocultural learning context #LWMOOC3
  5. Resonating takeaway in this session: there is a great need to better understand student approaches to learning & meet them there #LWMOOC3
  6. We also have data from @JTDellinger's Fitbit that proves that presenting is intense exercise :) #LWMOOC3
  7. Let's train people to be learners, rather than telling them what and how to learn -- @grandeped #LWMOOC3
  8. Just like the presidential debates, can we get an instructional designer fact checking this final session :) #LWMOOC3